Boston Children's Hospital Charity Golf Tournament
Wayland Country Club
No tickets are available at this time.
This is an 18-hole scramble tournament, with players competing in teams of two, three or four, or as individuals. Contests will include a long drive contest, putting contest and closest-to-the-pin contest.
All profits will go to Boston Children's Hospital.
Registration starts at 11:30am, with tee time starts at 12pm.
Auction item includes:
- Complete collection from GoodNow Farms Chocolate
- Baseball signed by Red Sox Pitcher Eduardo Rodriguez
Prize includes:
- $50 Dicks gift cards
- $60 Boston Organics gift cards
- $50 Ace Hardware gift card
- $50 Roche Bros. gift card
- $25 Costco gift card
- $30 Harpoon Brewery gift card
- $50 gift card from Cape Cod Winery
- Box of Chocolate from GoodNow Farm
- 4 tickets to New Hampshire Fisher Cats
- 2 passes to Rock Spot Climbing
- 2 passes to TreeTop Adventure
- 2 tickets to Institute of Contemporary Art