Family Therapy: When the Identified Client is the Family - 11.13.24

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Family Therapy: When the Identified Client is the Family

Families can be a place of love and support and a place of harm and pain. This workshop will explore the counselor’s multifaceted role when working with various family systems. Some family issues include communication, relationships and navigating change. Participants will examine how mental health clinicians can educate family members to recognize and demonstrate acts of love for one another; how it is possible to heal from the harm that has been inflicted; and how parents/guardians can learn to “parent” more effectively. Participants will discuss techniques designed to enhance parent/guardian psychoeducation.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

• Summarize the intervention strategies of notable family systems theorists such as Minuchin, Satir, and Haley.

• Utilize genograms as an assessment tool.

• Describe the fundamental concepts of parent psychoeducation.

Presenter: Constance Palmer, LCSW

Ms. Palmer, is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, who is an experienced teacher, presenter, therapist, and school counselor with more than thirty years of experience working with children, youth, and families. She is the owner of Therapeutic Learning Connections which offers social, emotional learning workshops to community organizations, schools, and workplaces. She is also a Grief Educator for Imagine, a Center for Coping with Loss which offers grief support groups and grief education.  

CE's New Jersey:

This course “Family Therapy: When the Identified Client is the Family'” and the trainer, Constance Palmer have been approved by the Addiction Professionals Certification Board of NJ. This course, provided by Behavioral Health Matters, approval #403111324REC3 has been approved for three (3) continuing education credit hours by the APCBNJ. Credentials issued by the APCBNJ, the NJ Board of Marriage and Family Therapy Examiners and the NJ Board of Social Work Examiners recognize such courses. This 3 CE course is approved for social work continuing education hours in accordance with N.J.A.C. 13:44G-6.4c12.

CE's New York Social Workers:

Behavioral Health Matters, LLC is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers; provider approval #SW-0443. Social workers attending this Live-Online course titled: “Family Therapy: When the Identified Client is the Family" will receive three (3) continuing education contact hours.


Participants must be present for the duration of event, answer all roll calls and complete a Course Evaluation to be eligible for a Certificate of Completion that will be sent via email within 2 weeks.  


If you require special accommodations, please submit a written request along with the completed registration and payment AT LEAST 30 DAYS PRIOR TO THE EVENT. Requests not submitted in a timely manner may not be able to be processed or fulfilled in time for the event. This request must be submitted via email: If a representative from BHM does not contact you within 1 week of submitting the written request, please send another email or call 908.300.8532 to inquire.


Click on the pink "Reserve Tickets" tab at top of page on the right. A new page will open; select the tab that reads: "Order as Guest", enter basic information then click the "Continue" button which opens a new page. Then enter attendee information and click "Continue".  Review info and click blue “Pay with PayPal” tab which opens a secure payment page. A PayPal account is NOT required; you may use your card. Enter payment information then click "Pay" tab at the bottom. Registration is time-sensitive and does not store information. You will see a pop up message to confirm data was processed as well as an email from "Oveit" that enrollment info was received. If you have any questions or trouble registering, please notify BHM via email:


Registration is not complete and space is not reserved until payment is processed and you receive a second confirmation email from BHM. Please provide a reliable/valid email and phone # when registering. If you are unable to attend a training event, you must notify BHM promptly. ALL cancellation notifications must be made via email:; type “Refund Request” in the subject line. The refund request email must be submitted ONE WEEK (7 DAYS) PRIOR TO DATE OF EVENT. After such a date, cancellations, "no-shows", log-in issues, email access issues*, full/partial attendance, etc. will NOT be eligible for a refund. ALL REFUNDS ARE SUBJECT TO A $15.00 (FIFTEEN DOLLAR) PROCESSING FEE. Substitutions are not allowed for virtual courses.

BHM's FAQ page is available on our website:


The access link and password will be sent via email to participants that complete the registration process. A reminder email with event details and log-in information will be sent about 1 week prior to the event. Access information is only for the registered party.  Please be sure to check your email and spam/junk folder prior to the event for any possible updates as well as the reminder email. Please notify BHM if you are unable to locate the reminder email. *You will not be eligible for a refund if you are unable to locate/access the reminder email that has been sent to you.

Continuing Education course schedule: