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This page describes the API methods that help you pull information about the tickets you sold, as well as interact with the check in process.


Before calling any of the methods on this page, you must obtain a valid authorization token. To learn about obtaining an authorization token, please read the Authentication section.

List event tickets

Returns a list of all the tickets that have been generated for an event.

HTTP request


Request parameters

Parameter Description
token A valid access token, obtained in the Authentication step.
id The unique event ID. Please see the Event data page for information on obtaining event IDs.

Response example

    "tickets": [
            "code": "39fa317d",
            "ticket_type_id": 123,
            "checked_in": false,
            "checkins": []
            "code": "7cd58203",
            "ticket_type_id": 123,
            "checked_in": true,
            "checkins": [
                    "addon_id": 5,
                    "date": "2016-08-10T11:49:18+00:00"
                    "addon_id": null,
                    "date": "2016-08-10T11:49:18+00:00"


We recommend storing a cached copy of this method's result locally, so you can fallback to the cached data if necessary. This way, should your application experience connectivity problems, you can still check in tickets.


If you want to learn more about multiple access, ticket type addons and the addon_id response key above, please visit the relevant Knowledge Base article.

Check in tickets

This methods validates a ticket and marks it as having checked in to the event.

HTTP request


Request parameters

Parameter Description
token A valid access token, obtained in the Authentication step.
code Deprecated! Use the ticket_code parameter below.
ticket_code (Optional, if the rfid_code parameter is used) The unique ticket code. This can be obtained by scanning the ticket's barcode or QR code. It is also listed in plain text on the ticket. Either this parameter or the rfid_code parameter below must be present in the request.
rfid_code (Optional, if the ticket_code parameter is used) The string tag stored on an RFID chip. To learn about associating tickets with RFID tags, read the section on RFID section
event_id (Optional) Restrict the ticket search to this event ID. Useful when you share ticket codes between events.
ticket_type_id (Optional) The unique ID of the ticket type you are granting access to. You can use this parameter to segregate ticket holders according to the type of ticket they purchased.
You can obtain ticket type information (including unique IDs) through the event list method.
addon_id (Optional) The unique ID of the ticket type addon you are granting access to.
You can obtain information about the configured addons (including their unique IDs) through the event list method.

Response example

    "ok": true,
    "ticket": {
        "code": "6c388d60",
        "series": "ABC 123"
    "ticket_type": {
        "id": 123,
        "name": "VIP area"
    "event": {
        "id": 100, 
        "name": "Indila concert", 
        "starts_at": "2016-08-24T01:30:00+00:00", 
        "location": "Romexpo"
    "order": {
        "id": 15, 
        "name": "John Doe", 
        "date": "2016-08-24T01:30:00+00:00"
    "checkins": [
            "addon_id": 5,
            "date": "2016-09-10T11:49:18+00:00"
            "addon_id": null,
            "date": "2016-09-10T11:49:18+00:00"
    "attendee": {
        "fields": [
                "name": "Name",
                "type": "text",
                "is_mandatory": true
                "name": "Email",
                "type": "email",
                "is_mandatory": false
        "values": [
            "John Doe",
    "rfid_codes": [
            "code": "659891",
            "date": "2017-01-04T07:53:07+00:00"
            "code": "352623",
            "date": "2017-03-16T09:53:51+00:00"


If you want to learn more about the attendee response value above, please visit the Attendees section.

Scan tickets

This method returns information about an individual ticket.

HTTP request


Request parameters

Parameter Description
token A valid access token, obtained in the Authentication step.
ticket_code (Optional, if the rfid_code parameter is used) The unique ticket code. This can be obtained by scanning the ticket's barcode or QR code. It is also listed in plain text on the ticket. Either this parameter or the rfid_code parameter below must be present in the request.
rfid_code (Optional, if the ticket_code parameter is used) The string tag stored on an RFID chip. To learn about associating tickets with RFID tags, read the section on RFID section
event_id (Optional) Restrict the ticket search to this event ID. Useful when you share ticket codes between events.

Response example

This method's response structure is identical to the one of the checkin method above.

Enable unbundled addon per ticket

This method enables an unbundled addon and sets (or updates) the number of uses of the addon for an individual ticket.

HTTP Request


Request parameters

Parameter Description
token A valid access token, obtained in the Authentication step.
ticket_code The unique ticket code. This can be obtained by scanning the ticket's barcode or QR code. It is also listed in plain text on the ticket.
event_id (Optional) Restrict the ticket search to this event ID. Useful when you share ticket codes between events.
addon_id The unique ID of the ticket type addon.
You can obtain information about the configured addons (including their unique IDs) through the event list method.
uses The number of times this addon can be used. A value of 0 (zero) means infinite.

Disable unbundled addon per ticket

This method disables an unbundled addon for an individual ticket.

HTTP Request


Request parameters

Parameter Description
token A valid access token, obtained in the Authentication step.
ticket_code The unique ticket code. This can be obtained by scanning the ticket's barcode or QR code. It is also listed in plain text on the ticket.
event_id (Optional) Restrict the ticket search to this event ID. Useful when you share ticket codes between events.
addon_id The unique ID of the ticket type addon.
You can obtain information about the configured addons (including their unique IDs) through the event list method.

Import tickets

Use this method to import multiple tickets and attendees at once.

HTTP Request


Request example

Please send a JSON with the following structure as part of the request body:

    "event_id": 3231,
    "attendees": [
            "ticket_type_id": 4403,
            "ticket_code": "QWERTYUIOP",
            "unbundled_addons": [
                    "addon_id": 1511,
                    "uses": 12
                    "addon_id": 1512,
                    "uses": 0
            "virtual_wallet_credit": {
                "amount": 100,
                "currency": "USD",
                "payment_method": "card"
            "field_values": [
                    "field_id": 5516,
                    "value": [
                        "Option one",
                        "Option two"
                    "field_id": 5504,
                    "value": "John"
                    "field_id": 5506,
                    "value": ""
                    "field_id": 5511,
                    "value": "2019-12-18"
                    "field_id": 5515,
                    "value": true


  • The maximum number of tickets than can be imported at once is 5000.
  • The only mandatory fields for each attendee are ticket_type_id and ticket_code. The rest are optional.
  • The payment method for the initial virtual wallet top-up must be one of cash or card
  • You can obtain the numeric IDs for fields and unbundled addons by fetching the event list.
  • Values for select-type fields should be sent as arrays.
  • Values for date-type fields must be in Y-m-d format, with leading zeroes for months and days.
  • Values for checkbox-type fields must be boolean. true means the checkbox has been checked, and false that it hasn't.
  • A value of 0 for the number of uses for an addon means infinite uses.