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Channel Partner Management

This page describes the API methods that provide information about events, ticket types, and ticket availability.


This functionality is exclusively accessible with paid subscriptions. Verify whether your plan includes this feature, upgrade if necessary, or reach out to us for assistance.


Before calling any of the methods on this page, you must obtain a valid authorization token. To learn about obtaining an authorization token, please read the Authentication section. With the token you will need to use the Authorization header for every request:

Authorization: Bearer [token]

List countries

Returns a list of all countries along with their respective states, if available.

HTTP request


Request parameters

No parameters required.

Response example

  "184": {
    "id": "184",
    "code": "US",
    "name": "United States",
    "hasStates": true,
    "states": {
      "1": {
        "id": "1",
        "code": "AL",
        "name": "Alabama"

Response Fields: countries

Root Object: countries

A list of countries, where each country is represented as an object indexed by its unique identifier.

Field Type Description
id string Unique identifier for the country.
code string ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
name string Name of the country.
hasStates boolean Indicates whether the country has states or subdivisions.
states object (Optional) A nested object containing state details if hasStates is true.

Sub-Object: states

A collection of states, where each state is represented as an object indexed by its unique identifier.

Field Type Description
id string Unique identifier for the state.
code string ISO 3166-2 code for the state (if applicable).
name string Name of the state.

Event Data with Ticket Types

Returns event details along with information about all associated ticket types.

HTTP request


Request parameters

Parameter Description
id_event The event id.

Response example

  "idEvent": 22,
  "name": "Event with calendar",
  "hasCalendar": true,
  "ticketTypes": [
      "idEvent": 22,
      "idTicketType": 38,
      "name": "GA",
      "availableTickets": null,
      "isOrderable": true,
      "hasCalendar": true,
      "isFree": false,
      "calendarType": "everyday",
      "calendar": [
          "id": 2,
          "type": "everyday",
          "limit": null,
          "maxOrderQuantity": "20",
          "startDate": null,
          "endDate": null,
          "day": null,
          "date": null
      "reservedDates": {
        "2024-10-31": 4,
        "2024-11-04": 1,
        "2024-11-19": 2
      "addons": []
  "registrationForm": [
      "id": "1",
      "type": "text",
      "label": "Name",
      "order": "1",
      "mandatory": true,
      "options": null
      "id": "2",
      "type": "select",
      "label": "Position",
      "order": "2",
      "mandatory": true,
      "options": [
  "customerForm": [
      "id": "1",
      "type": "text",
      "label": "Name",
      "order": "1",
      "options": null
      "id": "2",
      "type": "textarea",
      "label": "Company description",
      "order": "2",
      "options": null

Response Fields: event

Root Object: event

Details of the event, including ticket types, calendars, reserved dates, and addons.

Field Type Description
idEvent integer Unique identifier for the event.
name string Name of the event.
hasCalendar boolean Indicates if the event has a calendar associated with it.
ticketTypes array List of ticket types available for the event.
registrationForm object (Optional) Registration form details (if applicable).
customerForm object (Optional) Customer form details (if applicable).

Sub-Object: ticketTypes

Details of each ticket type associated with the event.

Field Type Description
idEvent integer Unique identifier for the event.
idTicketType integer Unique identifier for the ticket type.
name string Name of the ticket type.
availableTickets integer (Optional) Number of tickets available. May be null.
isOrderable boolean Indicates if the ticket type can be ordered.
hasCalendar boolean Indicates if the ticket type has a calendar.
isFree boolean Indicates if the ticket is free of charge.
calendarType string Type of calendar associated (everyday, on_days, on_dates or null).
calendar array Details of the calendar if hasCalendar is true.
reservedDates object (Optional) Reserved dates with counts of reserved tickets.
addons array List of addons associated with the ticket type.

Sub-Object: calendar

Details of the calendar for a ticket type.

Field Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for the calendar entry.
type string Type of calendar (everyday or on_days).
limit integer (Optional) Limit of tickets per calendar entry. May be null.
maxOrderQuantity integer Maximum tickets allowed to be ordered at once.
startDate string (Optional) Start date (in YYYY-MM-DD format) of the calendar entry.
endDate string (Optional) End date (in YYYY-MM-DD format) of the calendar entry.
day string (Optional) Day of the week (e.g., monday). May be null.
date string (Optional) Specific date (in YYYY-MM-DD format) for the calendar entry. May be null.

Sub-Object: reservedDates

An object mapping specific dates to the number of reserved tickets.

Field Type Description
date string The date (in YYYY-MM-DD format).
reservedCount integer Number of tickets reserved for the specific date.

Sub-Object: addons

Details of addons associated with a ticket type.

Field Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for the addon.
name string Name of the addon.
isBundled boolean Indicates if the addon is bundled with the ticket type.
isEventAddon boolean Indicates if the addon is specific to the event.
includedQuantity integer (Optional) Quantity included with the ticket. May be null.
orderableQuantity integer Maximum quantity that can be ordered separately.

Sub-Object: registrationForm

Details of the fields required during the registration process for the event.

Field Type Description
id string Unique identifier for the registration field.
type string Type of input field (text, email, textarea, select, date, checkbox).
label string The label displayed for the field.
order integer The display order of the field in the registration form.
mandatory boolean Indicates whether the field is mandatory.
options array (Optional) List of selectable options for fields of type select. May be null.

Sub-Object: customerForm

Details of the fields required during the customer information process for the event.

Field Type Description
id string Unique identifier for the customer form field.
type string Type of input field (text, email, textarea, select, date, checkbox).
label string The label displayed for the field.
order integer The display order of the field in the customer form.
options array (Optional) List of selectable options for fields of type select. May be null.


If addon field isEventAddon is not null, the orderable quantity applies across the entire event.

Place order

This endpoint allows you to process an order for event tickets, including options for registration forms, addons, calendar-based tickets, and billing information.

HTTP request


Request parameters

Root Fields

Field Type Description
id_event string The ID of the event for which the order is being processed.
email string Customer's email address.
tickets array Array of tickets included in the order. . See Ticket Object.
fields object (Optional) Customer form fields; keys are the IDs from the event's customerForm, values are field values.
billing object (Optional) Billing information for the customer. See Billing Object.
skip_notification boolean (Optional) If true, no email confirmation is sent to the customer. Default: false.
skip_invoice boolean (Optional) If true, no invoice is generated for the order. Default: false.

Ticket Object
Field Type Description
id integer The ID of the ticket type (from ticketTypes in Event Data).
quantity integer Number of tickets ordered for this ticket type.
fields array (Optional) Registration form fields; keys are IDs from the event's registrationForm, values are field values.
addons array (Optional) Array of addons for the ticket; keys are addon IDs, values are quantities ordered.
calendarID integer (Optional) The calendar ID for calendar-based tickets.
date string (Optional) The selected date for the ticket (format: YYYY-MM-DD).
time_start string (Optional) Start time for the ticket (format: HH:mm).
time_end string (Optional) End time for the ticket (format: HH:mm).
checkinUntilEnd boolean (Optional) If true, the ticket can be checked in until the time_end. Default: false.
maxCheckinDelayTicketsTimeStart integer (Optional) Minutes after time_start during which check-in is allowed. Default: null.

Billing Object
Field Type Description
name string Customer name. Required if type is individual.
type string Billing type: individual or company.
company string (Optional) Company name. Required if type is company.
tax_code string (Optional) Tax code for the company. Required if type is company.
address object Billing address. See Address Object.

Address Object
Field Type Description
address string Street address.
city string City name.
id_country integer ID of the country (from Country Data API).
id_state integer ID of the state (from Country Data API, if applicable).

Request Examples

Example 1: Tickets with Registration and Customer Forms

    "id_event": "7",
    "email": "",
    "tickets": [
            "id": 17,
            "quantity": 2,
            "fields": [
                    "1": "name_test",
                    "8": "",
                    "2": "position test",
                    "5": "",
                    "6": "mk"
                    "1": "name_test2",
                    "8": "",
                    "2": "position test2",
                    "5": "",
                    "6": "dev"
    "fields": {
        "9": "name_test",
        "10": "data test"

Example 2: Tickets with Addons

    "id_event": "6",
    "email": "",
    "billing": {
        "name": "John Doe",
        "type": "individual",
        "address": {
            "address": "No 1 Street",
            "city": "Bucharest",
            "id_country": 141,
            "id_state": 64
    "tickets": [
            "id": 15,
            "quantity": 2,
            "addons": [
                    "1": 1,
                    "10": 2,
                    "3": 3
                    "10": 1

Example 3: Calendar-Based Tickets

  "id_event": "22",
  "email": "",
  "billing": {
    "company": "John Doe Inc.",
    "type": "company",
    "tax_code": "123456",
    "address": {
      "address": "No 1 Street",
      "city": "Bucharest",
      "id_country": 141,
      "id_state": 64
  "tickets": [
      "id": 38,
      "quantity": 2,
      "calendarID": 2,
      "date": "2024-12-07"
      "id": 48,
      "quantity": 2,
      "calendarID": 5,
      "date": "2024-12-09"
  "skip_notification": true,
  "skip_invoice": true