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Advanced Data

This page describes the API methods that help you pull information about the completed orders.


This functionality is exclusively accessible with paid subscriptions. Verify whether your plan includes this feature, upgrade if necessary, or reach out to us for assistance.


Before calling any of the methods on this page, you must obtain a valid authorization token. To learn about obtaining an authorization token, please read the Authentication section.

List event orders

Returns a list of all the orders that have been completed.

HTTP request


Request parameters

Parameter Description
token A valid access token, obtained in the Authentication step.
include Specify the fields you wish to export, allowing for multiple fields separated by commas. Below, you can find a list of all possible inclusions. see Includes.
p Page number.


Parameter Description
invoices include invoices for every order
tickets include tickets issued for every order
customer_form include customer form for every order
registration_form include registration form for every ticket issued
event include event details for every ticket issued
ticket_type include ticket type details for every ticket issued
addons include addons for every ticket issued
wallet_credit include wallet credit for every ticket issued
customer include customer info for every order
items include order items info for every order

Response example

  "data": [
      "id": 1,
      "uuid": "830583df-002d-4004-b98f-d28d18b04629",
      "date": "2024-01-30T15:06:02+02:00",
      "date_formatted": "Jan 30, 2024, at 15:06",
      "language": "en",
      "currency": "EUR",
      "payment_processor": null,
      "status": "Completed",
      "is_canceled": false,
      "pending_reason": null,
      "email": "",
      "items": [
          "name": "Event with Registration Form (Free)",
          "quantity": "1",
          "currency": "EUR",
          "type": "ticket",
          "price_without_tax": "0.00",
          "price_tax": "0.00",
          "fee_without_tax": "0.00",
          "fee_tax": "0.00",
          "discount": "0.00",
          "final_price": "0.00",
          "event": {
            "name": "Event with Registration Form",
            "hash": "e3aefd2bf9",
            "location": "Studio4",
            "has_venue": false,
            "starts_at": null,
            "ends_at": null,
            "is_perpetual": true
          "ticket_type": {
            "name": "Free",
            "has_nft": false,
            "is_seatless": false
          "name": "Event with Registration Form (VIP Ticket)",
          "quantity": "1",
          "currency": "EUR",
          "type": "ticket",
          "price_without_tax": "1.69",
          "price_tax": "0.32",
          "fee_without_tax": "0.17",
          "fee_tax": "0.03",
          "discount": "0.00",
          "final_price": "2.22",
          "event": {
            "name": "Event with Registration Form",
            "hash": "e3aefd2bf9",
            "location": "Studio4",
            "has_venue": false,
            "starts_at": null,
            "ends_at": null,
            "is_perpetual": true
          "ticket_type": {
            "name": "VIP Ticket",
            "has_nft": false,
            "is_seatless": false
      "customer": {
        "name": "Oveit Developer",
        "is_company": false,
        "tax_code": null,
        "address": "115 Wild Basin Rd. S Ste 307",
        "city": "Austin",
        "state": "Texas",
        "state_code": "TX",
        "country": "United States",
        "country_code": "US"
      "customer_form": [
          "name": "Type",
          "value": "Online"
      "tickets": [
          "code": "fca326c2",
          "event": {
            "name": "Event with Registration Form",
            "hash": "e3aefd2bf9",
            "location": "Studio4",
            "has_venue": false,
            "starts_at": null,
            "ends_at": null,
            "is_perpetual": true
          "ticket_type": {
            "name": "VIP Ticket",
            "has_nft": false,
            "is_seatless": false
          "series": "DDD 18",
          "seat": null,
          "registration_form": [
              "name": "Name",
              "value": "Oveit Attendee"
              "name": "Position",
              "value": "Developer"
          "wallet_credit": {
            "amount": 0,
            "currency": "EUR"
          "addons": [
              "name": "Beer",
              "uses": 2
          "code": "4ffc47ce",
          "event": {
            "name": "Event with Registration Form",
            "hash": "e3aefd2bf9",
            "location": "Studio4",
            "has_venue": false,
            "starts_at": null,
            "ends_at": null,
            "is_perpetual": true
          "ticket_type": {
            "name": "Free",
            "has_nft": false,
            "is_seatless": false
          "series": "EFD 2",
          "seat": null,
          "registration_form": [
              "name": "Name",
              "value": "Oveit Attendee2"
              "name": "Position",
              "value": "Developer"
          "wallet_credit": {
            "amount": 0,
            "currency": "EUR"
          "addons": null
      "invoice": [
          "name": "Invoice - Oveit Developer - Nr. OVEIT 007",
          "number": "OVEIT 7",
          "items": [
              "name": "Event with Registration Form (VIP Ticket)",
              "quantity": 1,
              "currency": "EUR",
              "unit_net_price": "1.69",
              "unit_tax_price": "0.32",
              "total_price": "2.02"
              "name": "Event with Registration Form (Free)",
              "quantity": 1,
              "currency": "EUR",
              "unit_net_price": "0.00",
              "unit_tax_price": "0.00",
              "total_price": "0.00"
              "name": "Online processing fee",
              "quantity": 1,
              "currency": "EUR",
              "unit_net_price": "0.17",
              "unit_tax_price": "0.03",
              "total_price": "0.20"
          "statements": [
            "VAT exempt, according to Directive 2006/112/EC"
          "download_link": "",
          "currency": "EUR",
          "net_price": "1.86",
          "tax_price": "0.35",
          "total_price": "2.22",
          "is_canceled": false,
          "is_paid": true,
          "is_reversed": false,
          "is_reverse": false,
          "status": "paid"
  "next_page": 2,
  "prev_page": null,
  "total_items": 123,
  "total_pages": 7


  • The next_page field is set to null when there is no next page available.
  • The prev_page field is set to null when there is no previous page available.
  • Each request can retrieve a maximum of 20 items in the order list. Please utilize the p parameter to navigate through the entire list.
  • The date attribute is a date formatted using the complete ISO 8601 format.

List event tickets

Returns a list of all the tickets that have been issued.

HTTP request


Request parameters

Parameter Description
token A valid access token, obtained in the Authentication step.
include Specify the fields you wish to export, allowing for multiple fields separated by commas. Below, you can find a list of all possible inclusions. see Includes.
p Page number.


Parameter Description
registration_form include registration form for every ticket issued
event include event details for every ticket issued
ticket_type include ticket type details for every ticket issued
addons include addons for every ticket issued
wallet_credit include wallet credit for every ticket issued

Response example

  "data": [
      "code": "fca326c2",
      "event": {
        "name": "Event with Registration Form",
        "hash": "e3aefd2bf9",
        "location": "Studio4",
        "has_venue": false,
        "starts_at": null,
        "ends_at": null,
        "is_perpetual": true
      "ticket_type": {
        "name": "VIP Ticket",
        "has_nft": false,
        "is_seatless": false
      "series": "DDD 18",
      "seat": null,
      "registration_form": [
          "name": "Name",
          "value": "Oveit Attendee"
          "name": "Position",
          "value": "Developer"
      "wallet_credit": {
        "amount": 0,
        "currency": "EUR"
      "addons": [
          "name": "Beer",
          "uses": 2
  "next_page": 2,
  "prev_page": null,
  "total_items": 123,
  "total_pages": 7


  • The next_page field is set to null when there is no next page available.
  • The prev_page field is set to null when there is no previous page available.
  • Each request can retrieve a maximum of 20 items in the order list. Please utilize the p parameter to navigate through the entire list.