Oveit API documentation
Welcome to the Oveit API documentation website. You can use our API to access organizer-specific Oveit functions, such as fetching event information, checking in ticket codes, and more.
All API methods will be called via POST
requests to https://l.oveit.com/api/[endpoint]
The server will always reply with a 200 OK
HTTP status code, even when there was an API error, except when the authentication token is invalid or has expired, in which case the server will send a 403 Forbidden
All API methods will respond with a JSON
result. In case an error occurs, the response will contain an error
"error": "This ticket does not exist"
Most API methods expect a valid authorization token
parameter. To obtain an access token, send a POST request
to the seller/login
endpoint with your organizer credentials. Use the resulting access token as a parameter for all
subsequent API calls.
HTTP request
POST https://l.oveit.com/api/seller/login
Request parameters
Parameter | Description |
email |
Your organizer account email address |
password |
Your password |
Response example
"token": "f18bf1bf246affb8",
"user": {
"id": 1,
"email": "oveit@account.com",
"seller_id ": 1,
"role": "user",
"role_acl_type": "event_checkin",
"role_acl_name": "Event checkin staff",
"permissions": [
"expires_at": "2020-04-08 07:54:26",
"expires_in": 172800
Access tokens expire in 48 hours, but each API call made using a particular token resets this timer. This means each token expires after 48 hours since the last API call.
The language in which response are returned can be changed if you use the Accept-Language
Available languages: en, de, es, fr, ja, nl
Accept-Language: en
As an alternative to sending the token in the request body, you can also use the Authorization
Authorization: Bearer [token]
Password recovery
Sends an email with password reset instructions to the specified email address.
HTTP request
POST https://l.oveit.com/api/seller/recover_password
Request parameters
Parameter | Description |
email |
The email address to send the password reset instructions to |
"ok": true